1996/9/28 Yoshiko Sekiguchi Rotating Triangular Rice Ball Dream

(dream) On September 28, I had a number of fragmented dreams. I only, however, remember two of them. The first one was about waking my dog, who had been asleep for three years. Having waken after a three-year sleep, the dog was extremely vivacious, and I thought this was real cause for celebration. He had been breathing all along, but showed no indication of waking, so I thought he was dead and put him in a cardboard box. Then somehow I was suddenly able to wake him.

"Indeed, the dog's master is remarkable, isn't she,"

my father's words of praise echoed in the distance.
The next dream I remember was an underwater dream.
Perhaps I'm in the sea. The surroundings are enveloped in a moss green screen of algae. By this I realize it's a river, not the sea.
From the river bottom I look up through this screen, and a triangular rice ball wrapped in nori appears in the middle, spinning round and round.
The nori on the rice ball is moist, and there is probably scallion miso in the center. It is a delicious rice ball but unfortunately I am underwater so I probably couldn't eat it. (end of dream)

The afternoon after I had this dream, I saw my dog sleeping like a log, and thought that it must have been a premonition. He slept for three hours, and then opened his eyes groggy from oversleep.

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