1982/4/3 COCO World's Mightiest Elevator

(dream) A night with light rain. Some people and I break into a dirty building. We are headed to a VIP's office on the eighth or top floor, to murder him or rob something. I feel like I'm in Mission Impossible. Three or so of us have broken in and I jump on an elevator with them or some others in attempt to escape. A big, young man in a white suit, (the company president or his body guard,) is chasing me and about to board when, at the dreaded moment, the door closes on his neck and he is decapitated. It was truly disgusting, I think, "what rotten work for a woman," (inwardly loving it.) I narrowly escape death and return to the first floor. I begin to worry that I could be gunned down when the elevator opens, so I take cover, spy left and right for a moment, then slip out. On the street near where I exited, people are talking about the building president's alleged murder. (Wonder what happened to the headless guy, by the way?) I set my feet flying so I won't be found, enter a supermarket and search for a way to get up to the second floor. I'm holding a gun causing great ruckus all around. The supermarket is on fire and there is no escalator to the second floor and I'm in a fuss. I find a stairway but it is piled shopping carts and merchandise and cannot be readily climbed. I make the shop clerk collect fire extinguishers. I randomly pick up and try spraying about ten extinguishers, but no foam comes out of any of them. Nevertheless, I am somehow able to put out the fire, and think, "hey, I cooperated in first stage fire fighting." (The end.)

A dream from my college days: first I'm descending floors, then trying to ascend to the second floor--suddenly turning into a fire dream is strange too. In the second part of a hard-boiled dream I'm a good Samaritan!

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