1996/4/1 COCO Beehive at my Friend M's

(dream) After a trip to visit my faraway friend A, I decide to go to my friend M's place in Shibuya ward. It's all right that I don't inform my family? She has a three room apartment on the second floor above a convenience store. There is a Japanese-style six-mat room, which alone would be considered normal, but in addition there is a four-mat room and behind that another three-mat room. For all that, the rent is a surprising 30,000+ yen. Nevertheless, it is quite old and dusty and there is a beehive on the ceiling in the back room. From time to time bees fly out. We have to crouch down so we don't get stung in the face. I ask her what she does at night when she sleeps, and she says bees never leave the hive at night, so there is no fear of being stung. Because of the beehive the rent is cheap, and she won't pay and have it removed. I am looking forward to, and fearing, spending the night. (The end.)

There was a flash preview on TV today for a program entitled "Eating Hornets." Could easily be the dream title.

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