The woman was peacefully sleeping inside the cow, just worried, sometimes, by the waves of heat randomly emanating from the tortured brain of the crazy beast.
The third day of the sixth month, she gave birth to a tiny cat.
The cat drank the cow's milk and grew up day after day.
The sixth day of the third month, he was strong enough to find his way to the cow's head.
And he started drinking the poisonned fluid which was burning its brain.
Delivered from the evil madness, the cow was about to free the woman and its baby cat...
Each place is someone's dream, carved in the sky or in the rocks of a desertic nowhere.
Each dream contains other possibilities.
Don't wake me up.
About Pascal Schmitt Formation Animal Psychology- INSERM Paris Psychology/Sociology - University of Vincennes School of Fine Arts - Paris Animation & Story Board - INA - CFT Gobelins- Paris Some pointers 1981 Co-founder of Art & Mouvement Association (animation films) 1984/89 Computer artist for Thomson, production companies and TVs 1990/93 starts YKS Production to produce personal Art movies digital special EFX artist at Eurocitel 1991 founds Les Virtualists artistic group 1993 Artistic & technical director of Voyages Virtuels exhibition -Paris 1994 New technology expert for Nova Press and 3 Suisses France Member of 1995 Exhibition & others 1981/84 Painting exhibitions in Paris, Chatillon and La Rochelle 1983 computer images exhibition - Paris 1985/87 Scoop'n Images group exhibition (Paris - Athenes - Montreal- Toulouse) 1988 Les Pixellistes group exhibition (Paris-Rennes- MontrŽal) Festival des Arts Electroniques -personal exhibition - Rennes Ars Electronica Festival- Linz 2D animation film competition 1989 Vrai/Faux exhibition at Parigraph Annecy International Film Festival 1990 Siggraph Art Show - Dallas (projection on a water screen) Herouville Video Festival - nominated film PVDA 1st Price Art Category - TechImage Awards - Paris 1991/93 Les Virtualistes video-performances with Electronic Cafe Intern., Telenoia and Brain Hospital (NL), Mac Luhan Institut, Apple Expo, Siggraph 92, Piazza Virtuale (All), New EdgeFestival (NL) etc Memory Objects exhibition - ENS Paris/Cachan - Voyages Virtuels 1994 Electronic Peep Show - Imagina Monte Carlo Renga*, participation to graphic Tokyo/Orlando 1995 Here & There video-performance NYC/Paris Digitale 95 Salon The Digital Auteurs / Cologne Germany Underdome I Rave Party video-performance - Paris Forum Le Pouvoir Electronique - Paris 1996 Underdome II Rave Party video-performance - Paris Hyperception exhibition - Paris Interactive Loo VR performance - Paris Aye Aye Festival ISDN Video+Music performance -Nancy(Fr)- Gifu(Jp)- Brisbane(Austr)- 1997 Underdome III Rave Party video-performance - Paris web site Tools PC linux/elm : win95 with netscape 3.0 netscape mail 3.0 or eudora 1.4.3 photophop 4.0